Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/01/18> A contest as simple as sultnpapper,…. pretty simple I’d say.

I am considering running a little contest, I’ve never run one before on here but I have seen enough and entered enough to know that there are good things and bad things about contests.
First the good things, people who enter can win steem or sbd. I think that about does it for the good things from my perspective as a contestant.

So what are the bad things? Well number one is I hate to have to jump through hoops to enter a contest. Writing contests especially, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000 no more than 2,000 words, there are limits on almost every writing contest. Some people can tell a story in 10 words, I can hardly say hello and how you doing partner, in ten words or less. The thing about story telling is if your story sucks, or your just bad at telling stories it doesn’t matter how many words you have or don’t have. People will read as long as the story holds their interest, lose their interest and adios.

Secondly I upVote things I like on a regular basis, if I like your contest enough to take the time to enter it chances are pretty good that I will upVote it, like 100% pretty good. Don’t play me as your little pawn and require me to upVote your contest. The same goes for resteeming, and following you, let me decide if you have quality content besides your contest that I would like to have showing up in my feed. There have been several contests that I just never entered because of all the requirements.

The other thing is prize money; if you are having a writing contest give a set amount for prizes, don’t tie it to the amount of money the post makes and then divvy it up. People spend a lot of time writing for contests and deserve to know in advance if the effort required is going to be worth the prize if they win or place in the contest.

I won’t be holding any writing contests any time soon, but I am considering a photo contest. The contest will have requirements, as much as I hate them, since I am only interested in seeing pictures of signs. Signs are non-verbal communication and I like reading signs. As much as I travel for work I see plenty of signs, all kinds of signs. There will be fixed prize money too, nor will you have to resteem the post or even upVote the contest. I won’t be doing this contest to get more followers, following won’t be a requirement.

I am going to do this contest as my way to give back a little to the community that has been nice enough to accept me and allow me to do my thing, my daily dose, which is the reason. Nothing more or nothing less, just take a picture of a sign and when I announce the contest; just post your picture in the comments. It will be pretty darn simple to enter.

I will be the judge, so if the sign is in a language other than English you might want to translate it to English for me so I will understand what I’m reading. Don’t take that last sentence to mean that the sign has to have written text, it doesn’t, it is just that most signs do have some sort of text on them.

So, just what am I looking for? Hell, I’m not sure, it could be something funny, something misspelled, even just pretty colors. It can be an outdoor sign or an indoor sign I really don’t care, a sign is a sign, and I’m looking for a sign.

Oh yea the prize money. First Place / $10
Second Place / $ 6
Third Place / $ 4
Prize money will be paid in steem.

Since I have pretty much laid out the rules, consider this as the announcement and start of the contest. Since this isn’t tied to any post payout nonsense and I want everyone to have a fair chance at finding just the ‘right” sign, the contest will end on 04/14/18 at 12:00 noon Texas time, which would be the Central Time Zone of the United States.

So. post your sign picture in the comments and good luck, limit one entry per user name.


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