Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 03/16/17 > Nothing like a little notice… and can you tell me your thoughts on the crypto markets?

Well, like the title says, nothing like a little notice when it comes to needing something built. That is exactly what I got from my wife and Shortie on Thursday afternoon; little notice, as in little time, very little time.

It turns out that right plum in the middle of Girl Scout cookie selling season the Girl Scout council for our area is having their pinewood derby races. So while all the attention has been focused on selling cookies and working cookie booths in order to try and get Shortie to her 1,000 box goal no one has paid attention to the upcoming racing competition, until Thursday afternoon when I got home from work.

So just when is this pinewood derby competition?, you ask. It is Saturday, the 17th. That would be like tomorrow, according to my calendar. Luckily for Shortie I happened to have bought an extra one of the kits for building the car last year but that still isn’t the biggest problem. The problem is that it needs to be cut out, tested, sanded, painted and the paint dry by Saturday morning at 9:00AM. So it can be done, and Thursday night I got the design done and cut out and sanded. All of those things mentioned; I showed Shortie how to do last year, and she did a pretty good job of them. However Thursday night I got to do all those things because Shortie had a cookie booth she needed to work to help her try and make her goal.

So, since she does want to help with the car and can’t be in two places at once, the project is now on hold until she gets home from the cookie booth duty. The next step is the painting and she does like to paint stuff, so while I wait for her I am taking advantage of the down time to write this daily dose.

Have any of you happened to notice the price of steem lately? It seems like each time I take a look at it on Steemblockexplorer the darn “Current Price” is always 30 cents below the “Base Feed Price”. I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the crypto markets but from what I gather all the cryptos have headed for “red”, or have lost a bunch of value as of recently. Any ideas on why that might be? What has changed so much from back in the fall when everything in the crypto world was heading “to the moon” as I think it is referred too?

I am definitely not a crypto expert, not even a good amateur crypto guy, but I do have a gut feeling on why the crypto currencies have been taking a beating. My gut tells me it is because of some interference from the exact establishments that screw us over time and time again, banks and governments. Those are the exact establishments that crypto currency was designed to get people away from having to deal with when it comes to currency.

I don’t ever see the price / value of crypto currencies that we have been accustomed to earning or trading ever getting back to the higher levels they once had, I hope that I am totally wrong on that, but a gut feeling is as good as any other guess at this point.

When you have the very institutions that helped create the dissatisfaction levels that people had with the status quo fiat currency, poking their noses in crypto and saying the SEC (security exchange commission) needs to be regulating things it shouldn’t come as a surprise that folks are bailing on crypto currencies.

The real shame is that the people who came up with the idea crypto currencies really did create something that is better than the government / bank run fiat currency. Yes, crypto is fiat as well, but it is “our fiat” with our energy behind it. The people decide what creates the value and how the value is determined, the only way I ever see crypto currencies ever doing as they were intended to do is if they end up being used just on the dark web or can’t be purchased using government fiat.

If the people who came up with these crypto currencies can’t keep the banks and government out of their business then there isn’t any need for it any longer, that being crypto currencies I am speaking of. I don’t know if I was dreaming or if I might have been misinformed, but I heard or dreamt that a regular big bank bought out one of the crypto exchanges, I think it was Poloniex or some name that is close to that. Please tell that didn’t happen, please; or did that happen?

I still plan on hanging in here at steemit, the currency was just an added benefit as far as I looked at it. The block chain technology was the real draw for me, that and the self censorship rather than some “owner” like Face Book or You Tube deciding what is “appropriate or not”.

I would love to hear your thoughts on where you think we are headed in the crypto world. That’s all I have for now, just going to go back to waiting for Shortie , so we can get some paint on her car.

Until next time,

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