Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/29/18> is this an addiction? or is it just….

I have to admit I am finding that this steemit and the sola stuff might be an addiction. The situation I find myself in is one that previous addictions I have dealt with didn’t offer, an upside. Most addictions will drag you down and chew you up, and then if you are lucky, they spit you out. Some folks are able to make it to their knees and crawl away and after time and help they can recover.

So the question is, if the addiction has an upside is it really a problem that needs to be addressed? I don’t know the correct answer to that question, and I don’t mean politically correct answer. By correct I mean. “is it the right answer”, and I have to believe that each individual would have to answer that question for themselves.

My situation may not be an addiction, it might just be I am lacking in certain skills that create the appearance of an addiction. Heaven knows I spend a lot of time on steemit and a fair amount on sola, and I also spend time writing this daily dose blog. The blog can take anywhere from a half hour to a few a hours depending on the topic of the day and the mood I am in when I sit down to put it into words.

Speaking of words, I write this blog in Microsoft word and for those of you familiar with “word” it keeps a running log in the lower left corner with “Page : xx of xx “ I “Words”: xxxxxxx “ , this document I have been using to write the daily dose was started on 11/17/18. As of this moment I am on Page 100 and have written 65,930 words. Do any of you know how much space is available in a single “word” document?

Those of you who I have had the pleasure of communicating with in discord know that I am a very slow typist. I am the kind of typist who only has two fingers that do the work; the other eight just get in the way or watch. I might have worked for the government in a previous life from the way my fingers work, the act like a government work group you see fixing pot holes, one man working and four watching. My lack of typing skills is definitely a contributing factor in the amount of time I spend on this addiction.

The other problem I have is gambling, and that is even debatable now that I stop and think about it. In order for it to be a gamble I would have to be in a position to lose something of value. There is no way that playing Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournaments @spl is gambling, you play for free and risk nothing. There is plenty of upside potential there as well, so far just in the month of January I have won over $32 SBD, right now as I slowly type this, SBD is at $6.84 USD, that makes my earnings right at $218.88 , so we can scrap the gambling nomenclature and we’ll just say I like playing poker. Now it just classifies as a hobby.

My family still gets their time with me, whether they want it or not, so nothing is suffering on that front. Work is work and it gets my full attention from 9 to 3 Monday through Friday. I will admit that reports that I use to do in the evenings are now being done in that 9 to 3 window, but I can justify that easily as well. Work is not my life 24/7 , I need to escape in order to come back the next day refreshed, working on reports in the evenings doesn’t allow for the mind to escape the grind.

I believe I just may have been mistaken in thinking I have an addiction; I just need better typing skills and possibly a little better chip management at the poker table. I have always been taught that if you want to get better at something you need to practice. Starting tomorrow I am going to start trying to type using two fingers on each hand, that way I might be able to cut my typing time in half. Just imagine if I could learn to use all ten fingers, I might even be able to find time then to take up writing fiction stories. Believe it or not, I am a good fiction writer; the only thing that has been holding me back is my typing skills.

So, we can put the fear and the question of addiction aside for now as it relates to the old sultnpapper, working through the question has revealed the answers. Work on typing and chip management, the rest will fall into place.
Until next time,


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