Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/28/18 > Put your thinking caps on….

Last week I mentioned our friends who were in New York for a little get away vacation and that the statue of Liberty was one of the highlight attractions that they wanted to visit and tour. Well, since the government shutdown had them locked out on last Saturday when they originally planned on going there, they were pretty bummed out. Never let it be said that the government doesn’t care, they do, so the good folks in congress and the senate jumped right on fixing the problem and the government was back to work in short order, so our friends actually did get to see the statue of Liberty on Tuesday of last week, glad that worked out for them.

While I am touching on housekeeping type stuff, James court date has now been rescheduled for March 20th so we will have to wait on that ongoing story.

How many of you are familiar with @hardfork-series ? Well, that’s not enough of you people, the good folks over there are working on producing a mini -series that will be unique in a couple different ways. First it will be funded using decentralized cryto currencies , secondly it will be a tool to bring a glimpse of what the future will be like in 2029 when crypto is universally accepted and not controlled by government. There are plenty of people who have no idea about crypto currency so a well written, first class production centered on the block chain would go a long way in the right direction of getting more people on board with block chain and crypto. This isn’t a bunch of hack amateurs putting this film series together, these folks doing the writing and producing are professionals in the motion picture industry and the actors involved and committed to the project you have watch on television and at the movies already.

The reason I bring this up is they are running a contest to help them come up with some promotional stunts for when the launch of the series takes place. If you have a creative mind and might be inclined to come up with some crazy ideas for things along these lines you most definitely will want to check it out. I have a couple ideas that I am thinking about submitting, so we may have a friendly conversation about ideas if you elect to offer up a suggestion over there, here is a link for the announcement ; https://steemit.com/contest/@hardfork-series/i-walked-past-a-gigantic-smoking-joint-hardfork-stunt-contest

The contest has a seven day window, it is day four in the window so don’t waste time if you think you want to offer something up. Since it is raining and I am inside this afternoon I think I will just close my eyes and work on my promotional stunt idea.

Until next time,


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