Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/08/18> How much value do pictures add to your post? Well let’s find out…..

When I sit down each evening to write this daily dose column I take a few minutes to review my day in my mind and then weight the options that I have to write about. Occasionally I will already have a topic in mind, but for the most part the column comes from something that I either did that day or something that caught my eye that I feel is worth sharing.

One thing I have been doing up until my extended break from work for the holidays was taking pictures as I would go through my day. Mostly random things; people, cars, funny signs and such, anything that I might have the most remote interest in writing and sharing would be subject for a couple photos just in case I needed them that night.

This past week I didn’t take one photograph, and the couple that I thought about taking I determined that it wasn’t worth the effort to walk back to my truck and get my phone so I could snap those shots. I had gotten into the habit of taking photos pretty quickly and fell out of it just about as quickly as I got into it.

I can tell you that my daily dose columns that included pictures with the story did seem to earn more money here on steemit than my posts without pictures. People say a picture is worth a thousand words, but how much does that equate to in SBD? I don’t have an exact way to determine that, anyone care to offer a guess?

Back when I really didn’t care, my old man selfish days, I figured my words were good enough to post because I really wasn’t writing for the people reading my stuff. Being the changed man that I am now, and you readers being a top priority, I need to make sure I deliver the best that I can each day.

In the spirit of delivering my best I am sharing with you the knowledge I have gained here in writing, use the dang pictures. You can write fewer words, make more money, and then take the pictures over to Sola and post them over there and earn some Sol, their crypto currency.

Most of the people at Sola don’t know jack crap about writing something intelligent, and if something were to be written intelligently over there, I don’t know that half the users could even read it. Now I will tell you, in all honesty, I don’t believe Sola was intended for articles and stories with meaning and substance like steemit.com was intended. To me it is more of a twitter or snap chat from what I’ve been told, I have never seen or used those two social media forms I just mentioned, I am going from hear say on that.

So far over there I have posted a six meaningless posts and six pictures and have gotten $50 Sol, I think it is suppose to devalue today by .447 or something like that because their initial coin offering didn’t sell all they had and they had to burn some. I don’t care though, so I end up with a little over $20 Sol. I didn’t have to work at it, and I got to talk with God over there. Yes, God has account and is always passing judgment on people’s posts and pictures.

I will tell you that I actually enjoy seeing the pictures other people post, there are a bunch of beautiful places that are on this earth that I never knew existed. I will also tell you that Texas has beautiful women, but if something ever happens and I end up single again, I’m packing my bags for Russia. Just about every picture being posted that has a Russian origin is a smoking hot young chick that is scantily clad at best. Now I know why Vlad Putin wants to keep his country kind of isolated from the world; he doesn’t want to share their natural resources. Before you tell me how cold it is over there, hold your breath, if those babe’s can’t keep me warm, I am already dead, I’ll take my chances, heaven forbid I end up single again.

Since I know the pictures add value to these posts I’m including a few pictures of our 10 month old boxer puppy, her name is Keone. She has not a darn thing to do with this post but she should bring me at least an additional $3 or $4 bucks on this post don’t you think? C’mon admit it, she is a good looking young dog, hit the upVote at 100% and help me prove the pictures add value. When she gets done making some steem here I will take over to sola.ia and let her get me some Sol. This internet stuff just might catch on someday; I hope I am around to see it happen. Until next time, @sultnpapper

All photos property of @sultnpapper

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