My 10 Day Gratitude Challenge Day 9 - Dime store Psychology 101

F##K IT - The Ultimate Spiritual Revolution.

Facetious - your new word for today :)

Life ain't easy, by any stretch of the imagination. 

Just when I think I've put all the pieces in the right order,  everything's looking good, stepping back to admire my handiwork - BOOM! The proverbial shit hits the fan!

I won't bore you with all the details - but let's just say - MEH!

But that's life. In a way I accepted this fact many years ago- that there's never a time when all is said and done. My email box will still be filling with crap, long after I'm gone.

I mean, I'm 44. I've done thousands of hours of meditation and yoga, read the the 'right' books, and have been to all the 'right' seminars, and drank all the right smoothies.

 I can quote the dharmmapada and Patanjali's sutras, and other so called spiritual classics verbatim.

Yet - I'm still not immune from the vissitudes of life, the shifting sands, the inevitable change of form. 

And, there's still a part of me that holds on, resists change, thinks it knows best, and is a keyboard guru of some type or another.


The happiest times of life occur when I literally don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks of me, and how I live my life, and most importantly, what I value.

The unhappiest times of my life occur when I'm trapped in self-doubt, looking for validation and approval from others, and wanting the pats on the back, to be seen to be doing the 'right thing.'

Plain and simple  - but true!


So, let's jump right into today's gratitude list, which has been delayed - but hey F##K it! :)

1. I feel grateful when I can laugh at the insanity of my own mind. If I can 'see' my own 'madness' it's not me, right?

 No need to answer boys and girls, rhetorical question ;)

2. I feel grateful today for sitting down, back at the computer, doing what I'd really like to do - just typing this.

3. I feel grateful for the fact that it can't 'rain' forever.

4. I feel grateful that today I haven't swayed from my own values, and have lived in alignment with them. 

5. I feel grateful that over the last few days, I've held my tongue, and my pen. Sometimes restraint is in order!

Lemme leave you with a tune - not really my thing, but sometimes a little gloom is the order of the day! 


Thanks to all who've read today's psycho-babble!

Love you all! 

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