Have you ever lived? You are a rapist

Have you ever lived? You are a rapist

"When to Stop" is an issue that addresses the problem of non-consensual sex. Because the violations do not only occur on the street and among strangers.


When we think of the term "rape", almost everyone comes to mind some scary scene in which a stranger corners a girl in a doorway or alley in the middle of the night. However, rapes are something much more everyday than it seems, they can occur between people who know each other, between lovers and couples. It is possible that many of us have suffered at some time without realizing it ... or even we have been the one who executes the violation.

This was the terrible reflection that was made Samuel Miró, director of the short film "Para", when in the middle of a sexual encounter with a girl had to separate it to realize that he did not want to move forward. At that moment he thought that, if it had been the other way around, she would not have had the strength to withdraw him. Therefore, the protagonists of the short film are an ordinary boy and girl who have met through a friend, have spent a fun night dining in a restaurant and, on her initiative, end up in bed, but when she regrets and asks him to stop, he does not pay attention to him.

No means no

It does not matter who started, no matter how the events have developed ... when someone makes the decision to end a sexual encounter, their partner must respect it. The non consensual sexual relations are nothing but a violation, no matter the context, and this is the main message of this short film that has as main actors Alejo Sauras and Kira Miró. A story that aims to make us reflect and stir consciences in an era in which it is still necessary to influence these issues, as sadly remind us of cases such as La Manada.

"The only intention of this short is to give maximum visibility to a problem entrenched in our society," explains Jesús Nicolás Rivas, who has participated in the work as a composer of the soundtrack, production assistant and responsible for making of. "Mentalities change, we have the responsibility to become aware of reality and change some roles, attitudes or currents of thought that do not help us to evolve as a society."

No matter who started, no matter how the events have developed ... when someone makes the decision to end a sexual encounter, your partner must respect it

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