What do you think, a writer's job is? Any one can write and publish shit, do we call a loquacious,voluble,vociferous,verbose talker,who chooses to prioritize quantity and continuity over quality! Or do we Prefer Writers, who express their ideas persuasively, brilliantly, with whole hearted assent and dedication to convey something of substantial value to it's taciturn readers.Writing is a form of art,indeed one of the 'highest and richest',, forms enriched with a wide variety of differences, in itself. Words, Are tools or Medium, through which a writer attempts to create, it's Own Rhapsody .writing is one of the most exclusive , informative and a powerful weapon, that holds enormous power and potential to dictate nations, spread warm messages amidst hurtful rumors, and promote an ideology or Belief, Upon Which the entire nation vehemently Agrees!

Regarding the concern of scope of writing, it is divided into several categories:

Technical Writing

although, We commonly tend to assume ourselves that this kind of writing is limited to technical and occupational fields like engineering,medical,computer hardware , and software, finance, consumer electronics ,biotechnology,aeronautics and various other diverse fields. But the scope of technical writing is not narrow, it's a broad spectrum. It also includes Press Releases, Memos(memorandum),business proposals ,data sheets, product descriptions and specifications, resumes and job applications, as accepted documents which are considered as forms of technical writing. But, who is authorized for or can be referred to as 'technical writer'. Any person, who possess relevant information or knowledge about the specific technique, or technology ,whose description is to be presented , commonly undertaken in a professional setting, for which they get paid for, following up to the prescribed standards and necessary , vital details, if any. Suppose, if a Data Communications Engineer, decides to write a book, on a topic pertaining to the relevant field, in which he has worked for several years and has gained sufficient knowledge and experience,to store it down , into the printed pages to get it shared amidst a large pool of new learners and students, starting with the same course , as their specialized field of study, then he might as well be termed as a technical writer.. and his income for writing is derived directly from the no. of copies sold or in some cases, maybe his published book can be used as a 'Syllabus Book' to refer ,in deemed colleges.

Travel Writing

The genre of travel literature encompasses vivid description of treacherous journeys ,undertaken by a void traveller , poured down as 'travel memoirs', Guide Books, written carefully for backpackers and community of tourists,to prepare them and serve as a Map, to guide their direction and educate them by providing a detailed account of information regarding the place where they are, Demographics of it's Conflicted History, Rich Cultural Heritage , Types of Groups and Prevalent Societies and Norms, and various other such useful information. Of course, these can be written down by trust worthy, Authentic travellers, and Not tourists! There's a huge difference between a traveller and a tourist. People, often confuse the two, and tend to perceive alike,when both are poles apart..
it is also divided into sub categories mainly,

  • Travel Journals

  • Travel Blogs

  • Guide Books

  • Adventure Literature

  • Travel Books

One great example of a travel guide book , that was originally written by a pair of backpackers from two different continents of the world , who met and came together and travelled endlessly, describing their breath-taking experiences in a book, which is highly regarded by most travellers across the globe, and till date, continues to be upheld in high esteem!

Lonely Planet

Press Writing

Press Releases, are not anonymous or informal editorial blogs,that can be posted without accountability. These are , Official Documents/statements,that are recorded at an event or at a conference, and carefully penned down, by the responsible writer, as to deliver information among a widespread audience. Daily National News Paper Agencies, that often tends to employ editors, for creating editorial pages,that reports Highlights of the day, Main Events, Briefings, Interviews, Debate Discussions and other such activities of public interest.
here's how in 3 steps ,a press release can be Written:

  • Write a short, catchy headline.

  • Get To the Point- Summarize your Subject, in the first paragraph itself.

  • Body - Explain why it's Relevant to the Audience,in general.

Generally, press releases are made to inform masses about a certain decision that might have been Ordered /Issued Straight from Prime Minister or President's Office , Parliamentary and Constituent bodies of decision making and progress, or from ministry of finance, health and welfare , and various other recognised formal bodies, whose decisions are bound to make an impact, and are earmarked as General Rules to adhere and follow.

write meaningful news..Make friends, set trends and most importantly, don't be lonely!

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