Do You Really think Money Is A Part Of a Solution Or A Problem??


We often come across people who over emphasize the value of money ,to the extent that core human values are put aside, just for a good handsome amount of Printed paper currency! Well, if we dig a little bit closer, and try to understand, what actually is the real definition of money?? It's not too hard to gather that it's an item or a verifiable record that has been generally accepted and authorized by the powerful people running our nations and people working in respective parliamentary constituent bodies..

You know, if we date back , in history, to the Reign of Kings and Queens, there Was a time period, during which Barter System Was in Existence.. according to which goods or commodities were exchanged ,brought and sold. Imagine if you go to a shoe store to buy a pair of shoes, and you offer the seller, a bag full of wheat, he may look at you crazily or might even laugh at you.. cause, now, in today's world ,,it has become obsolete! It has lost it's is no more in existence
In the Same Way,, when some people question ,, and blames money or lack of money for their problems!! they're Not Actually blaming the Non -Living Paper Material,, but Corrupted, greedy people or officials who loot and cheat or deceive them Out of Stock!!
Do you really think,, a mere Piece of Paper Was Ever the Core Problem???

Problem Lies with some People's Hearts!!

Money is a part of a solution, only when it finds it's way to the Right people.

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