Do You Agree People Actually Get Paid for How Not to Call A Spade!

Words are only symbols of things--they are not the things themselves.But many people identify the word and the thing so closely that they fear to use certain words that symbolizes things that are unpleasant to them . Such people prefer circumlocutions - words that 'talk around' an idea or that mean or imply something but don't come right out and say so directly.

For example- if we want to describe, a poor, homeless person's need to get access to pure necessities of living-including sufficient food,heated homes,hot water,vermin and rodent free surroundings ,decent clothing etc. and pursue an existence inclusive of luxuries like radios, television sets,sunken bathtubs,automobiles, jacuzzis, private swimming pools,electric orange juice squeezers etc,. ,we might as well state it as ''For Want of Green Stuff''.
The world is certainly full of a number of things. For instance poverty and misery,hospitals and insane aslyums, Racial tensions and Restrictions,war and death and taxes and bumbling diplomats, rising inequality, corruption, greed, horror,insecurity,fear!! there's already too much negativity! That needs to be balanced out with Positivity, Optimistically!!
As i look around blankly, i realize that on a daily basis, i don't connect with self made individuals but rather agents...who are either on duty selling something , anything,, be it fear, pride, insurance policy, getting Indoctrinated , and terming it as Modern Educational Policy or carrying out personal roles and responsibilities.. Whatsoever, it may be, One thing for Sure is that Individuals and Independent behavior Is Seldom encouraged...

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