short story

Long back, an agriculturist lived on the northern edge of Iceland. He had an incredible requirement for the individuals who worked in his homestead yet such an unsafe place, where there were storms coming in the days coming, nobody was prepared to do any work.

One day the rancher declares in the city daily paper that he needs a worker working in the field. Numerous individuals came to meet the rancher, however whoever finds out about the place, he declines to take the necessary steps. Inevitably, the thin-lowed moderately aged individual moved toward the rancher.

The rancher asked him, "Would you be able to work under these conditions?"

"Well, I simply rest when the breeze goes on." The individual answered.

The agriculturist felt his answer somewhat interesting but since he couldn't locate some other specialist, he kept the individual at work.

The worker went hard, he used to state in the field from morning to night, the rancher was likewise exceptionally happy with him. is . He grabbed quick, took the light in his grasp and kept running towards the specialists' hovel.

"Rise early, don't see the tempest is coming, everything before it can be decimated, secure the harvests and cut the walled in area door with ropes."

The worker reflexed with awesome rest and stated, "No janab, I had let you know before that when I walk, I rest."

It was heard that the outrage of the rancher achieved the seventh sky, that came to be realized that the worker would shoot, yet now he rushed to spare things from the coming tempest.

The rancher touched base in the homestead and his eyes stayed open with amaze, the harvest knocks were very much tied and secured with canvas, his dairy animals were tied safely and the chickens were additionally in their watch ... the door of the fenced in area was likewise solidly Was tied. Saree things were altogether orchestrated ... there was no probability of misfortunes. Presently the specialist says that "when the breeze moves, at that point I rest" ... had comprehended, and now she could lay down with peace.

Companions, there are some such tropical storms throughout our life as well, it is fundamental that we continue planning like that worker already with the goal that we can rest notwithstanding when inconvenience comes. For instance, if an understudy begins from the earliest starting point, he can live serenely at the season of the examination, the individual sparing each month can be rest guaranteed of the need of cash, and so forth.

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