Why Would Anyone Still Support The Catholic Church?


A grand jury report released recently exposed a pedophile ring running out of the Catholic church in Pennsylvania that has been operating for over 70 years. The report shows that more than 300 "men of God" had abused more than 1000 children over that period of time while the church covered it up. The 884 page report is loaded with horrific instances of abuse against children.
This is not new. The catholic church has become synonymous with pedophilia so why does anyone still support it? How can anyone turn a blind eye to the atrocities of the catholic church against children? Why isn't the catholic churches actions reported on more vigorously? Why does society even allow this to continue.
I don't have any good answers for those questions so maybe a reader can enlighten me. I feel the catholic church is evil and corrupt to it's very core from top to bottom. I don't understand how anyone could possibly support this blasphemous and demonic organisation. Do you?

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