We Need A Mass Awakening

When will we have had enough? What’s the limit of what we will allow and tolerate? Where is our line?
Greedy, rich, psychopaths are destroying our planet, depleting our resources, and polluting our air and we’re allowing it.
Instead of rising up and standing united to put a stop to the travesties going on around us we ignore them and go about our daily lives.
We forget that we are the many, and they are the few.
We’re letting a small percentage of people destroy us because they have us convinced us that we’re weak. They use their propaganda and indoctrination against us to keep us ignorant, brainwashed, and divided which keeps us weak.
A lot of effort goes into making sure people stay asleep to what is happening around them and stay divided so that they never realize their true power.
United were unstoppable but to achieve that a mass awakening is needed to break the spell the establishments education system and mass media has put over the public and it is up to those that are awake and aware to lead that awakening.
People that are asleep don’t even know they are sleeping and they damn sure aren’t aware that they are indoctrinated and brainwashed. They’d most likely be offended if you told them they were. You must guide them to the truth and let them come to it on their own terms. You can help it make sense, but you can’t force someone awake.
But they need to wake up soon. In many ways it’s way past time. Those that rule over us are consumed with greed and have zero concern or respect for the future. They will never stop on their own and it is up to us to stop them but were weak unless were united. Change only happens when millions of people stand united and demand it.
We have got to do our very best to keep spreading the truth but remember to be patient with those that are still unaware and under the establishment spell. I think we tend to forget how strong that spell actually is and that we were under it ourselves at one point as well.
Mocking them won’t help, only patience will. Just plant the seed and help it to grow. You can’t force it. Cognitive dissonance is real and a very large obstacle in our way. Once you trigger someone’s cognitive dissonance they’re no longer even listening to you, their brain is defending itself. We need to remember that and ask ourselves are we trying to wake people up or bully them?
If were trying to wake people, we need to remember what we are up against when we do it. I think if we do that we will find that we get through to many more people. And that’s what needs to happen, and it needs to happen soon, and as I said the awake need to lead that awakening.
It won’t be easy but it is necessary. We have got to draw the line. What good is it to be awake and aware if we just allow and tolerate all of this evil going on around us? We see what is happening so why are we not sounding the alarms? What are we waiting for? No one is coming to save us, we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for. This is our fight, so let’s fight back before there’s nothing left to fight for.

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