Russiagate Is A Distraction


I'm sure you've heard by now that Russia hacked our election to get Trump elected and that he is just Putin's puppet. It's on every channel, and every news headline, all that changes is the bias of the station airing it. The left leaning news channels are swearing up and down that Robert Mueller is going to find something any day and bring Trump down and your Sean Hannity's are swearing there's nothing here.
Now, do you know how much I hate it that Sean is right this time. Not just because he is just really awful as a person but, also and worse even maybe, he spells our name wrong. Anyway, the point is in this nearly 2 year investigation we've learned very little and seen even less in results. So far we're told a bakers dozen Russian meme masters crafted memes so dank that Trump just could not lose and thats how Russia rigged it.
Now, I've seen the memes, and they might be dank in Russia but here they were weak sauce. Plus, I can't even believe they had the nerve to come out in suits to a podium and say that Russia hacked our election with memes or how they managed to keep straight faces while doing it.
Other than that what has anyone seen to prove to you that Russia rigged the election for Donald Trump? I watch a lot of news and I have to say I've not seen any real proof that Russia rigged anything. I think RussiaGate is a distraction from the fact that an election was rigged alright but it was the democratic primary not the general election and it was done right here in America.
They can't explain how or why Trump won because they won't admit that it's because of them. The media helped the Democrats rig the primary against Bernie Sanders and propped up Trump as a candidate because Hillary thought she could beat him. She called him a pied piper candidate.
This is all in the Wikileaks releases it's all out there, you can look it up. But, do you see this talked about in the media? Even by the right wing channels? No, you don't. Because the mainstream media is nothing but propaganda and they don't deviate from the agenda. They don't wan't to admit that they, Hillary, The DNC and all the way up to Barack Obama were involved in rigging an election. They can't admit that. So, here comes RussiaGate.
RussiaGate is nonsense. It is a non story. Fake News. People eat it up though and I don't understand it.
Well, I guess I do in a way, I know how good our propaganda machine is. The whole thing is frightening to me. We watched an election get rigged. Yes, it was just a primary, but it was an election and it meant a great deal to many American voters. And the mass media is not only pretending that didn't happen they are also convincing a nation of sheep that Russia rigged our general election to help Trump win to distract everyone from how he really won which was from rigging the democratic primary.
This lie needs to be squashed with the truth that the DNC rigged their primary and elevated Trump in the media then ran a weak campaign missing key states entirely and lost to Donald Trump, a reality TV star. That's what happened. Sounds insane when you write it down but I was there in the trenches and saw it all happen while working on Bernie's campaign.
It's crucial that this doesn't get swept under the rug because they will do it again. Spread the truth of why we have President Trump. Hold the DNC and the media accountable for what they've done. Because if we don't, I guarantee they do it again.

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