Something About Chocolate


  • Recent researches on chocolate, shows that dark chocolate which has a high cocoa density, is a powerful antioxidant for us. Also, it has a protective effect against heart disease.

  • A research on 8,000 men at Harvard University, revealed that chocolate prolongs life. Experts say that the life of chocolate eaters lasts at least one year and they attribute it to antioxidant substances.

  • Black chocolate, known to be extremely useful for our health; minerals such as zinc, selenium and potassium.


  • Thanks to a tiny bite; You provide the energy needed to walk 45 meters.

  • As mostly known, chocolate supports happiness. The bioactive nutrients contained in cocoa and magnesium cause the secretion of the hormone serotonin in the body. This is also interpreted as a natural antidepressant chocolate.

Have all of you a delightful chocolate eating but not in excessive amounts. You can not have the benefits with overdose ;)

🍫Photos from pixabay.. 🍫

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