The miracle of humanity? The third eye - The pineal gland

The ancient Egyptians assumed that the pineal gland (and the solaplex) is the seat of our soul. What did they mean by that?
If you take a look at the photo, you will immediately notice the similarity between the pineal gland and the old Hyroglph, the Eye of Horus.
First of all, the pineal gland...


The hormone melatonin is produced in the pineal gland. It is very important for our sleep rhythm. Many experts believe that it is decisive not only for our physical side, but also for our spiritual side. When the pineal gland starts working less, we start aging.


There is a common theory that the pineal gland produces the hormone dimethyltryptamine (DMT). This active ingredient gives the halide plants an intoxicating effect. Ayuasca, for example. The brain then has the ability to create new thought structures.
Now we come to the interesting part... DMT is released twice in our lives, namely at the birth and at the death...

Is the pineal gland the gateway to the soul, which is necessary at birth (entry) and at death (exit)?
And how could the Egyptians know about the active ingredient and its appearance about 4000 years ago? Did they know more than we think?


Not only the Egyptians but also many other ancient cultures believed in the "third eye"...

What do you think? Write your comments and follow me for more mysterious thoughts!

Sources: Free Google Pictures

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