Display your Trophies

Elk Horns-2.jpg

I'm going to preface this blog with the statement that I am not a hunter but I'm not against it either. Yes I have shot a gun, and no I have not killed any terrestrial animals but I have and do fish, go crabbing and eat meat.

On my recent trip to Alberta I was in some pretty rural areas and came across a lot of hunting trophies on display. Stuffed animal heads, horns and skulls most of which didn't bother me but some were a little unsettling. Due to these feelings I started to think about where I stood on the subject of hunting but more specifically trophy hunting. Both my grandfathers hunted as do several friends of mine currently. But growing up I didn't walk into my grandparents houses and see animals displayed on the walls. They hunted to provide food for themselves and their friends. The point is, the whole animal was used and appreciated.

In writing this I wanted to hear from you, the community on hunting and the feeling you have about it. There is a lot of media coverage about the hunting of animals in Africa for sport and well known recent stories about the killing of lions and giraffe.

I'm very much against these types of hunts and in BC we have the Grizzly bear hunt that happens each year which I am dead against. These things seem just so short sighted and unnecessary.

In the end I'd just like to start a dialogue and see what other people think.


The image of the elk horns I found in a machine shop while getting some work done. The large male elk I photographed a few years back in Banff National Park.

Thanks for reading.


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