500 followers, almost 1000 SP - Party! And a huge THANK YOU to all charlatans and science-deniers!

I checked my blog and realized I have the full half thousand! Yaaay! Apparently, @webdevtrust was my 500th follower - ty mate!
Also, I've almost reached 1000 SP (and had some decent fiat payouts) in just 2.5 months, this is far more than I expected when joining steem!

Time for this:

Ok, I'm waiting till lunch...afternoon...uhm, I meant evening. Evening. Img source

But also, let's take the time to say:

Thank You!

To all the flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, "my food cures cancer"-, "AIDS is just a hoax"- and "all science is just corrupt"- people.

First, without you, I wouldn't have been angry enough to build this blog the way I did. Use the anger, I must. Strong, it is.
But second, you did something awesome! Your believes forced me to cross-check my own knowledge, to dig into scientific sources and to really read the primary scientific literature behind my opinions.
No, you did not change my opinion. But you fortified it, condensed it, and provided me with as many arguments as my brain can hold. I grew stronger the last months.
Thank you!

To my dear fellows

You know I love you. Keep up the good spirit, and let's continue to spread reason, applied logic, well-thought arguments and the occasional well-deserved rant battle. Cheers!

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