The Death of The Narrative (Part 1)

Today dlive leaves the steem blockchain. I became aware of this news a few days after I uploaded Part 2 of Infinite Imaginarium: The Death of The Narrative. I have been trying since the start of Infinite Imaginarium to host our full shows somewhere other than youtube. I been experimenting with dlive and then a few weeks ago, I thought ok let's start getting all our shows on dlive and promote them. The bam another bump in the road. But sometimes you have to roll with the punches. Perhaps in an odd way, this might be for the best. After all, it got me to create this post, so let's get into it.

What is the Infinite Imaginarium:
Infinite Imaginarium is A Multimedia Decentralized Open Source Artist Collective, made up of a mosaic of programmers, artists, musicians, shamans, visionaries, regular people making shit happen. Just so we're clear people, we're HERE to play & make MAGIC happen!

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Infinite Imaginarium's flagship project is our podcast/web show. We Interview different artists, musicians, hackers, visionaries and just regular people wanting to make something creative happen.

The Death of Narrative is the pivotal Infinite Imaginarium show. In the podcast, Nikki, Kevin and Satorid core members of the Imaginarium ponder some directional question of where are we going? Who are we? And what the fuck is going?

The question is can we move away from the revolution of the book, with a beginning, middle and end to the revolution of the net, which is about connectivity, continuance, sustainability, and an open-ended participation of many. The way hackers and other computer enthusiasts, and ravers, and old school punkers, and bloggers, and Burning Man attendees will work and play and put in their own time and money to do something not because there is a potential for profits or awards or honors but out of sheer enthusiasm.

To us, this Indicates something about human beings that goes unrecognized in current modern society. With some amount of autonomy, a certain permission to put some creativity into their work, and a certain shared sense of community, people will do all kinds of stuff simply because it's engaging to do and can be a shared experience. This may indicate a future after robotics, development in AI and nanotechnology, and so forth that will eliminate most forms of tedious labor and old social narratives.

We need to be aware of relationships between consciousness, experience, and culture to be a writer, artists, and creator. Art as a state of being, the Imaginarium can help make this sustainable by being a virtual creative workspace and a collaborative collective.

The digital culture is still endlessly counterculture. The Infinite Imaginarium connects deeply to the idea of an open source culture; that everyone should have access to all the data and be able to participate in an open, decentralize creative process whether it involves designing software or putting on a cultural event, or even in a social awareness campaign evolving out of Open Source Philosophy, out of this idea that Ideas are network and don't really belong to anyone, its more that we belong to the ideas.

An ecology of Ideas, file-sharing- the idea that information that is infinitely replicable and easily shared with anyone anywhere in the world should be shared- these sort of ideas form the dim outline of a new way of organizing society. We are only limited by our creativity, collectively the possibilities are endless. This ultimately leads us to check out Steemit.

It was in this Discussion that we came to the realization the Art of Infinite Imaginarium Shows is a dreamtime mashup and using Burroughs inspired cut-ups, remix and bootleg cyberdelic; the editing is experimental & shamanic; the setting most times visionary and exquisite; and the narrative involves poetic identity dissolution, mirrors, quotes & clips, music, collage of expression, dreams and infinite reflections.

Let's cut-up the past, so that
the future can leak out,
please enjoy the show

The Death of The Narrative
Crisis and Transformation
Infinite Reflection and Liberation
Evolving Consciousness to those digital beats

It seems apparent that we only evolve through a crisis. Individually as well as collectively, we only make progress when we find ourselves out of our comfort zone. The evolutionary record is full of short-lived species that could not adapt to change.

This leads us to Now, where are we individually and collectively in this moment. In this crisis of culture and consciousness, how can Infinite Imaginarium be apart of the solution?


This is an open call to anyone wanting to have fun and join us in the Infinite Imaginarium. If you have a creative project, artwork, music or just brainstorming interesting ideas, please joins us in the Imaginarium to talk, ponder and create some magic!

Infinite Imaginarium Playlist
images by emperor_sashsi & SatoriD

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