Thing-a-Day: The Soakening

Ok so, it's Thursday. Only got to do two more of these thing-a-day posts. I kinda know what I'm going to write tomorrow, today not so much. So this might be a bit of a ramble and pointless. Let's get started.

Let's start with my day. Only thing of note, needed to get a backflow test done on my yard irrigation system, AKA the lawn sprinkler. Since we are on city water, they require us to have an annual check done before we turn on the green maker. I think it pointless but it is nice to know I'm not poisoning the local water supply.

Now because it freezes here in the winter, the system has to be "blowout" so water doesn't freeze and break the pipes in the lawn. So it has to be shut off from inside the house. This wouldn't be a problem if the valve was located somewhere easy, like in the Garage or Laundry room.

Nope its located in the middle of the house, in a coat closet located under the stairs. And that closet is full of stuff that most likely should be thrown out. So I excavate my way to back, remove the cover and turn the water on. I hear the water rush and...keep rushing. So I go outside to check the backflow test site, remove the cover and... get hosed. Oh, that's right the valves are left open during the winter.


So I run back inside, turn the water off and change my clothes. Not a great start to the day. So I wait around for the tester to show up, since my appointment is for today between 8 am and 5 pm. Tester shows up at around 11, and I warn him about the valves so they don't get soaked. They get hooked up and tell me to turn the water on. Not a problem.

So about 10 minutes goes by and I start to hear hammering from that side of the house. Then there is a knock at my door. Tester says the valve stem broke off and they will be back either later today or Monday. Well they haven't come back yet so I guess I'll see them Monday. Well that's just special.

Luckily it has been a really wet and cool spring so my lawn with live with out that precious H2O. I'll also don't need the HOA bugging me about my yard again. Other then the great soakening, it was a normal day. Played with boy, did some laundry, did the dishes, made dinner. Normal stay at home daily routine. And that is my Thing-a-Day for Thursday. I'll see you tomorrow when we wrap all this up with some nice D&D related stuff. Until next time!

Victory by Dice!

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