Man is the best form of art

Art in every form is awe-inspiring but the best art in this entire world is MAN. Man is the best form of art because he is God's creation. God puts in so much thought and hard work to create a unique person each time that it's simply unbelievable. And you know the reason behind man being called the best art on this planet is, that each one of us unique. Our eyes, skin tone, personality, characteristics, build differ so much that it is nearly impossible to put this in words. You know the reason Da Vinci's Mona Lisa or The Last Supper is acclaimed? It's beacuse they're one of a kind. The next Mona Lisa or The Last Supper wouldn't stop anybody dead in his tracks rather it would be simply dismissed as a copy of the original. That's why it's important for us to embrace our uniqueness and try and become one of a kind so that we're not dismissed as a copy of someone rather we're remembered for who we truly are. It's okay to inculcate a few features or qualities from a person but totally different to try to copy the other person after all God spent so much time making each one of us unique why just throw it all away like that? And for people who think that it's okay to be a melange of several people, again you're losing your speciality just because you want to become someone else. Remember history never speaks of people who were a copy of someone else, it always commemorates those who embrace their originality, people who lived and died on their own terms and hence, were unique in their own way. Let's all just embrace our own beauty rather than borrowing it from someone else.

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