My 1st Day in Govt Tolaram College. How it was ??

My 1st day in my college is just wonderful

My Name is Sajjad Kabir . I lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now I am 17 years old but after 6 month i am gonna 18 years old.

Here's A picture of Myself


It's Me

My 1st Day in College. How it was ??

It was Wonderful. I made new 13 freinds 😀 My college name is Govt Tolaram College. It is located in Narayanganj, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was the beginning of my dream to go to college and to pursue a higher education.I had so many emotions running trough me, after passing class 10 in school with a great result (4.57) from science. It was the first time being in this level and the first time paying for education myself. I always wanted to be a college student, a serious student who would decide what to be in her life. And now i am becoming my as in my dream.

My College picture



We have 3 groups.

  1. Science

  2. Commerce

  3. Arts

  4. In science we have 550 registered student.

  5. In commerce we have 1500 registered student

  6. In Arts we have 650 registered students

Totally i love my college

Sajjad Kabir

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