My November Gnosis Newsletter is out...InJoy the Fires of Purification like the Phoenix!!!

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What a ride it has been since my last newsletter!!! I, myself, had yet another round of Kundalini that started almost as soon as I touched down here in Glastonbury, UK, the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth, on September 22, the Fall Equinox. My Kundalini expression is what is termed the Path of Fire and it burns away most, if not all, of what I possess though I now manage to keep quite a bit compared to when it first started in May of 2010 when I was left wearing only a pair of surf baggies, topless, and barefoot at 7 am on Main St., Vineyard Haven in July with Martha's Vineyard's summer tourist season in full swing.

Like the Phoenix, I self-combusted in the fires of purification and re~birthed out of my own ashes renewed, stronger, and more empowered. The process of making order out of the chaos is intense yet gets easier every time and I can keep a smile on my face for a good portion of it as well now. Laughter is Big Medicine when the ridiculous occurs.

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My path the last 2 months is a microcosm of what we are going through collectively at this time on our planet, especially with the New Moon in Scorpio. It is a time of shadows arising, deep purification, healing, and arising out of the ashes like the Phoenix. You may call on Kali, Pele, or Black Lilith to assist you and I highly recommend ecstatic dancing for this transformative process...a TranscenDance!!!

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Then on November 23rd the sun moves into Sagittarius, The Archer, and on November 30th Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer. Ophiuchus, I feel is symbolic of the Kundalini Awakening potential of wo/mankind to complete our Divine Human Blueprint, awaken our higher senses, and claim our birthright to become Immortal Conscious Co-Creator GodDesses. We are in the quickening now as many people are now having Kundalini Awakenings though many are not aware of what it is and they are told that they are mentally ill, usually either bi-polar or schizophrenic. Of course The Powers That Were have protocols for anyone showing signs of becoming self-realized, enlightened, or activating the "Christ Consciousness" to be deemed mentally ill and promote the use of toxic psychotropics to interfere with the process and slam down the energy. A bunch of enlightened souls running around would not bare well for their Agenda 21 plans to bring about a New World Order!

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Good luck with your spiritual triage either already here or coming anon. Time to Get Your GodDess & Gnosis On!!!

If you are interested in getting some assistance with integrating anything I have just shared, our collective Shadow Work, or your personal Shadow Work which is doing an emotional house cleaning in sync with the energetics on the planet now, or your Spiritual Awakening in order to access healing, more life force, and inner wisdom, please visit my website and fill out the contact form. I would love to help you Get Your Gnosis On!!!

As for the monthly gifts that I usually share on Re~Education, Healing,Inspiration, & Conscious Co-Creation, I have decided to discontinue them because I feel I am barraging you with too much information in the newsletter. I continue to share information and posts across all my social media pages via the widgets below if you want more resources for furthering your own Awakening. Streamlining was part of my lesson for this round of Kundalini...time to lighten the load a bit, refocus, and TranscenDance on in a new direction. Change is good and it is the only constant in the Multiverse other than Unconditional Love.

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwarriorgoddess

Spiritual Awakening Facilitator, Conscious Evolution Coach, Healer, Author, and Social & Spiritual Activist/Change Agent

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