
The theory of evolution holds that living things on earth were created as a result of unintentional events and emerged themselves from natural conditions. This theory is not a proven scientific fact or fact. Behind its scientific mask, this theory is a materialist view of life crammed into society by Darwinists. The basis of this theory - which has been abrogated by scientific evidence in all fields - is a way of affecting and propaganda, consisting of deceptions, errors, contradictions, cheats, and magical illusions.


The theory of evolution is proposed as a fictitious hypothesis in the context of nineteenth-century scientific understanding, which to this day has not been supported by scientific experiments or inventions. Instead, all methods aimed at proving the validity of this theory end with evidence of its invalidity.

However, even now, many people still assume that evolution is a proven fact - just like the attraction of the earth or the law of floating things. For, as has been stated before, the theory of evolution is in fact very different from that received by society for this. Therefore, people generally do not know how bad the basis of this theory stands; how this theory has been thwarted by scientific evidence at every step; and how evolutionists continue to work on the theory of evolution, even though this theory is "facing its end". Evolutionists rely on unproven hypotheses, unsettled and unrealistic observations, imaginary images, ways that influence psychology, countless lies, and magic techniques.

Today, various branches of science such as paleontology, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology have proved that it is impossible for living things to be created by chance or to arise by themselves from the natural state. The living cell, the scientific world agrees, is the most complex structure ever found by humans. Modern science reveals that one living cell alone has a complex and interrelated structure and system, which is much more complex than a big city. Such complex structures can only function when each constituent part appears simultaneously and fully functional. Otherwise, the structure will be useless, and the longer it will be damaged and destroyed. It is impossible for all of the cell constituent parts to develop by chance in millions of years, as the theory of evolution claims. Therefore, the complex design of a cell alone, clearly shows that it is God who created living things. (More details can be read in Harun Yahya, Miracle in the Cell).

In fact, it has been proven that it is the first example of selenium - or even one of the millions of proteins in that cell - could arise over accidental factors. This is not only done through various experiments and observations, as well as through the calculation of mathematical probabilities. In other words, evolution falls in the first step: that is, in explaining the appearance of the first living cell.

The cell, the smallest unit of living beings, could not have come into existence by chance under primitive uncontrolled conditions when the Earth was young - just as evolutionists forced us to believe. Never mind in such a condition, in the most sophisticated laboratories of this century, it is impossible. Amino acids, which are the building blocks of various living cell constituent proteins, are unable to naturally form organelles in cells such as mitochondria, ribosomes, cell membranes, or endoplasmic reticulum - let alone form an intact cell. Therefore, the assertion that the first cell is formed by chance through the process of evolution is only a fictional outcome based entirely on imagination.

The living cell, which still contains many secrets, is one of the major difficulties facing the theory of evolution.

Another worrying dilemma (from an evolutionist point of view) is the DNA molecule contained within the living cell nucleus, a code system of 3.5 billion units containing all the details of living things. DNA was first discovered through X-ray crystallography in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and is a gigantic molecule with an extraordinary design. Over the years, Francis Crick, a Nobel Prize winner, believes in the theory of molecular evolution. But in the end, he himself had to admit that such a complicated molecule could not have come into existence by itself suddenly by chance, as a result of an evolutionary process:

An honest person, with current scientific understanding, can now only state that the origin of life appears to be a miracle.

The Turkish evolutionist, Professor Ali Demirsoy, gave the following confession:

In fact, the possibility of formation of a protein and a nucleic acid (DNA-RNA) is beyond the calculation limit. Furthermore, the probability of the emergence of a protein chain is so small that it can be called astronomical (unlikely).

Homer Jacobson, Professor Emeritus in Chemistry, states the recognition of the impossibility of building life by chance, as follows :

The instructions for the reproduction of plans, for energy and for the taking of parts of the surrounding environment, for growth sequences, and for effector mechanisms that translate instruction into growth - all must exist simultaneously at that time [at the beginning of life]. The likelihood of the combination of all these events by coincidence seems really remarkably small ...

The fossil record also presents another fact, which became a grave defeat to the theory of evolution. Of all the fossils that have been discovered so far, no intermediate form (intermediate form) has been found, which should exist if living beings evolved step by step from simple species into more complex species, as the theory of evolution suggests. If such a creature exists, it should be a lot, millions, even billions of billions. Moreover, the remains and skeletons of such creatures must be in the fossil record. If these intermediate forms do exist, the numbers will exceed the number of species of animals we know today. The whole world will be full of fossils of these creatures. Evolutionists seek these intermediate forms in all the fossil research that has been going on since the nineteenth century. However, there is absolutely no trace of this intermediate creature, even though the search has been done energetically for 150 years.

In short, the fossil record shows that living things appear suddenly and in perfect form, not through a process of primitive form to a more advanced stage, as the theory of evolution puts it. Evolutionists have tried hard to prove the truth of their theory. But in fact, with their own hands, they have proved that the process of evolution is impossible. In conclusion, modern science reveals this undeniable fact:
The appearance of living beings is not the result of a blind chance factor, but the result of God's creation.

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