Regrets and acceptance

 I regret:

  • Not keeping one of the two houses we bought (and sold).
  • Not buying that Noe Valley flat (it was around $300k at the time).
  • Not standing up for myself when I had the chance. Every time.
  • Selling our deep, comfy, custom-made, down-filled Crate & Barrel couches once we had a baby because we thought we wouldn't be able to keep them nice. I hate the couches we have now.
  • Not asking for advice when I needed it.
  • Not being able to maintain a yoga practice that I was once so dedicated to. It's been six years that I've regularly practiced yoga. I used to go three times a week. Imagine that.
  • Having these regrets.

I accept:

  • That there is a reason for everything.
  • That the Portland is just too cold and rainy in the winter and that I am a sun person.
  • That I have a nomadic soul and what's right for others isn't right for me.
  • That sometimes not hurting someone's feelings is more important than being right.
  • That it's okay to ask.
  • That certain things take time.
  • That though I am creaky, I haven't lost my freakish flexibility.
  • That the leather sofas are easier to clean and that no, we wouldn't have been able to keep the good furniture nice.
  • That trying to live life with no regrets is sometimes hard.

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