Blogging with consistency is hard! And I'm failing at it...

This is not the first time that I find myself with my most recent post being more than 20 days old. That's by no means what I'm shooting for and while I try to keep contributing to the community, I'm not very happy with my efforts and success on that front so far.

It's true that some of my contributions to the steemit community have been behind the scenes with videos to help other people promote the platform, but I have fallen behind on that significantly too.

I posted about hopefully becoming active again more than 2 months ago and unfortunately, I've managed to churn out only 15 posts since then. And it's not like all of those have been golden nuggets that took a lot of time to write. And while I've made a number of promotional videos for steem and for various steem projects, I've fallen behind on my video to-do list by a lot, too. That's making me very unhappy and dissatisfied with myself. It's actually quite frustrating.

Reality is that my offline life and my work are taking up too much of my time, creativity, patience and positivity for me to manage to be as productive on the platform as I wish I were (and I know I could be).

But being busy and stressed is only part of the issue. I'm also having a hard time pressing that post button with confidence. It's a bit of a feedback loop where posting less makes me even less confident in my abilities to provide worthwhile content, so I post even less. And this doesn't really make sense. I have a few post drafts that have been laying around unfinished that I actually hate them now and don't even feel like looking at them and finishing them. And there is one clear remedy for that and it's what I'm doing now - writing and posting. It's as simple as that.

There are so many people that posting more posts than I manage per month on daily basis and who are much more lax with the post button than I am in my own head. And that's OK, not every post on here has to be researched, informative and referenced, right? It's OK for us to just blog about what's on our minds today and about the small ideas and bits of knowledge that are rattling around our heads. So I'll try to do that from now on. While I'll still try to post a few posts of supposedly better quality, I'll try to not censor myself that much so I can finally build that habit of posting on daily basis.

When you look at my profile, you'll notice that I don't really have problem writing as when I have the time to I write a lot of comments and get into a lot of comment discussions. So when I don't have to be the one to come up with the topic and the one to press the post button initially, it's not that hard for me to write and to express my mind. So I'll try to translate my commenting "nature" into my posting as well. Let's see how it goes and how I evaluate my yet another failure at consistency next year.

Anyway, thank you for bearing with me in my self-indulgent rant and please let me know what you think. What type of content do you post and how often do you you post on here? How much effort do you put into what you are posting and what type of things do you like posting about personally?


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