A baby can really know good and bad people, does not cry without reason

Babies know to know their faces, but maybe they can do even more! A recent research suggests that babies can differentiate between good and bad people.
An experiment at Yale University has shown that babies are more fond of those who are polite, while their conclusions are taken by people on the basis of micro-words.

In the other experiment, two dolls were shown to the baby - the good that helped to open the box, and the evil that he has kicked, reports Telegraph.

More than 80 percent of babies have chosen the good doll, which indicates that babies really know how to judge who is good and who is bad.

"People come to this world with born morality," said Paul Bloom, author of the book, "Just Babies: the Origin of Good and Evil."

By raising children, they are increasingly better based on lines and mimics of character.

The three-year-olds are able to evaluate one's loyalty only on the face of an unknown person.

The next time your baby shows impatience to the new person, do not understand this just as a whim.

Try at least to consider your baby's judgment when evaluating your friends.

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