Spread the Love


It is February once again bringing us the air and smell of Love, making it really the month of hearts and the season of love. Thus, this is the season for us to take our capacity to love others. Not just our sweethearts or partners in life, not just our children, not just our relatives, but others as well. Love should be given to everyone for everyone needs love. In fact, all the money in the world can’t feel the void of not being loved.


What is this wonderful thing called love? Love has been given multitudinous definition. Some say that love is almost like water. When we have it, we take it for granted. When it is absent of a sudden, it becomes crucial. Others say that love is the fuel of life. With love around, there is joy, peace of mind, and selfless concern for others.

Many say love is important to happiness.it is an essential tool for a happy life, both for the rich and the poor. The less fortunate people need love in the same way that the rich need it. Indeed, love is not the luxury that only the well to do people can afford.


Much is said about love. The Holy Bible has the following to say about love:
“Love is patient,love is kind.It does not envy,it does not Boast,it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered; it keeps not record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes and always perseveres.


May our capacity to love overflow day to day so we can spread abundant joy and peace to everyone not only in this season of love but through the year.Happy hearts Month Steemians!

photos from google


Lynn xxX

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