The Most Afdhol Livelihood

From Rifa'ah bin Rafi 'radhiyallahu' anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam was asked:

"What is the best job / afdhol?" He replied: "The work of a man with his own hands (his own hard work), and every buying and selling that mabrur. (Hadith narrated al-Bazzar and validated by al-Hakim rahimahumallah)<v/center>

Takhrij Hadith:
This hadeeth is a saheeh with many paths of transmission. Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani rahimahullah said: "Narrated al-Bazzar and almighted by al-Hakim", he said in his book at-Talkhish: "Narrated by al-Hakim and ath-Thabrani, and in this chapter there hadith also from Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu'anhum. It was mentioned by Abi Hatim rahimahullah. Ath-Thabrani issued (narrated) in the book of al-Ausath hadith from Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma, and his laughers La Ba'sa (no problem)

It is mentioned in Bulughul Amani: "Narrated by Imam Ahmad rahimahullah and issued by as-Suyuthi in Jami'us Shaghir, and narrated by al-Baihaqi in Mursal, and he said: 'This is the Mahfuzh Wallahu A'lam".

Al-Haitsami rahimahullah said in the Majmau'z Zawaid after he mentioned that the hadith has many lines of transmission, so he said about the history of Imam ath-Thabrani: "The narrators are tsiqah (strong)". And say about the path of Imam Ahmad: "The narrators are tsiqah (strong)".

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