The Desireless Heart - Ravenking Short Text

The Desireless Heart

The heart has no desire except what is contained within the Present.

So do not desire any present that removes you from the Present that already is.

The Heart Desires to be the Presence for that which arises in the Present Moment.

There is no Desire it strives for, than to be itself.

Yet by being itself it is not denying any desire. It is accepting of that fact that whatever you wish for you might receive but it will never fulfill in the way we imagined it to when we desired it.

"Be careful what you wish for." This expression was not meant to mean to define your desires ever more accurately. But to end all wishing and desiring for it never is what one wished for.

Once desire is given up. Life manifests all that you never could wish for, and all of Life becomes an eternal string of surprises.

The Present is aptly named so, for it is where all true presents are ever received.

A fulfilled desire that was desired and attained too, is never fulfilling.

As long as we want this and don't want that.

Life will give us all we want but never the way we wanted it.
And it will even more so make sure to give us all that we don't want at exactly the times we want them least

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