If you're a person whose in for quick returns and profits and have the courage to put your hard earned money on the line, i bet that you would have fallen prey to all the ponzi schemes and scammers once in your life. However, for some of us this might be a loss of few dollars and although not easy but we'll move on but for some people (whom i have personally witnessed) who put their life savings on the line just to earn quick cash have felt devastated and are left broken.

I believe that the scammers are not to be blamed. Imagine a person comes to you and tells you to give him a $100 and he'll double it but here's the catch, you must close your eyes for a minute and then open them. Most of us would hand him over our money but would never agree to close our eyes because we all now what's going to happen if we do. So why would we give all our money to someone we don't even know? It all boils down to greed. Yes, greed can make us do crazy thing. Greed is what pushes us to keep wanting for more. Do this do that, this looks easy and higher reward incentive hence must certainly do that.

So at a time like this when the internet is providing us with so many options to earn( scams mostly) what do we do? How does one overcome his greed? The answer is simple. Rewind your self to the day when you felt you didn't have it in you to get out of the bed and work an 8 hour shift or when you were running on fumes but still did an overtime just to squeeze some more money from your employer. Or the time that you decided to buy a cheap meal just to save some money or maybe you decided to take a walk instead of a bus or taxi. If you'll remember those times that you went through to save money that is when you'll think twice before blindly putting all your eggs in someone else's basket.

My advice for you is to stay away from all those website who promise you wonderland with their unrealistic daily profits. Learn a skill maybe or come up with a business idea. Do something to get something. Nobody is here to give you free money. Build your own world. And slowly and gradually i promise you that you'd smile when you will look back 4-5 years back. However always remember to give back to the people. Because true happiness only comes through sharing.

Goodluck and have a nice day peeps :)

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