Seven Hilarious Videos About Denmark, Danes, and Danish Life

In this episode of the Globetrotter’s Guide to the Danish Life, I contribute my favourite Videos about Denmark, Danes, and the Danish Life. Moving to Denmark was an exciting new experience for me, and those videos helped me a lot to settle in and understand the nuts and bolts about being in Denmark

1 Geography Now - Denmark

Geography Now is a both hilarious and educational video series wrapping up basic info about every country in the world. The episode on Denmark is not any less funny.

2 Kelly Louise Killjoy - Danish Stereotypes

Kelly Louise Killjoy is a hilarious YouTube Vlogger that posts a lot of amazing videos about Danish Quirks. I highly recommend her YouTube channel. Among my other favourites are „Sh*t Danish People Say to Foreigners“ and „How to Look Like a Dane“. Great sense of humor!

3 Danish guy tries to speak Swedish - Swedish girl tries to speak Danish

In this hilariously sweet video, a Danish boy and a Swedish girl try to say common phrases in each other’s language. It gives you a glimpse of the relatedness, yet distinctness, of Swedish and Danish

4 Helen Russell - The Year of Living Danishly

Helen Russel, author of the Book „Living Danishly“, talks about her experiences with moving from London to Denmark with her Husband.

How to live in denmark - iTunes Podcast

5 Wolters World - 5 Things to Love and Hate about Copenhagen & Denmark

6 Copenhagen Municipality - Good things to know when living in Copenhagen

7 Denmark vs. Sweden

This is an interesting TV series where Swedes and Danes debate recent political issues like Gender Equality and the Refugee Crisis. It gives you a good understanding of the difference in mentality between Sweden and Denmark

Bonus: Freistaat Christiania in Kopenhagen (German)

?This rather good documentary explains the emergence and history of Freetown Christiania until the recent days. Unfortunately, it’s available in German only.

Bonus: How to Live in Denmark (Podcast)
This is a rather good podcast about everyday life in Denmark.

#denmark #danishlife #video #youtube #travel #expat #expatlife

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