The Hybrid Hypothesis (Are you a pig?)

This will seem like a very extraordinary claim to most. 'Humans evolved as a cross breed between a Pig & a Chimpanzee' However it has been put forward as a hypothesis by Eugene McCarthy & Eugene is an expert in Genetics has good medical training, He trained at Georgia University the credentials check out & he has taught Biology & genetics. it's a decent resume by anyone's standards. But let's not get too carried away here it is still a very bold statement to say that we evolved from pork. Here's my 2 cent's worth (how apt for steemit)


Reason speaks softly - Sigmund Freund.

I like to keep it simple, I believe the most graceful theories are those that can be easily explained like newton's third law 'for every cause there's a reaction' simplicity at it's finest a simple way to explain something very complex.
What similarities do we have in common with this supposed common ancestor?
1, Hairless smooth skin,
2, A good layer of fat,
3, We perspire to cool down,
4, A thin top lip,
5, Whites in eyes,
6, A protruding snozzle,
7, Narrow eye sockets,
8, Eyebrows,
9, Eyelashes,
10, Earlobes,
11, a big backside,
12, A centralized spine,
13, short digits,
14, knocked knees,
15, fussy where we defecate,
16, decent swimmers,
17, Extended copulation time (males)
18, Orgasms (women)
19, We snuggle,
20, We cry,
That's quite a lot isn't it, the thing is I have barely scratched the surface, I haven't even begun to get scientific. So currently we have a good percentage of folk on the planet that believe in evolution (believe we share an ancestor with chimps) but are going to attack this theory with vigour. this is why we have to look at everything from every angle possible to find anything like truth, If we don't we are clearly guilty of prejudice.


innocent until proven guilty - The Law

On a jury if there is any reasonable doubt that someone may not be guilty we have to return a verdict of not guilty we may have suspicions but we wouldn't want to condemn someone for a crime they were innocent of let alone pull the lever to the trapdoor of the gallows. I have to say looking at the whole picture of which I have given you a snippet of. I can't prove Eugene wrong I cant even see a start point to build a case against it. on the contrary I would like to elaborate on it, I think Eugene is onto something, if anything I believe the theory can be expanded to include all life on Earth.

I haven't always had this opinion, What swayed me was when I dug up this old pic of my great grandfather & it just stirred my curiosity a bit.

pic source pinterest

steem follow.gif

I found one of yours too..

source pinterest

link to article used for inspiration

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