Types of people you should (definitely) avoid, ep. I. - Manipulator

This is the first episode of a little series a want to write. This series will be, as the title says, about types of people you should (definitely) avoid. So, I hope you will enjoy this post and more others that is yet to come.

There is a certain types of people you should try to avoid and never let them step into your life. At least not for a long period of time. Why so? Because these types of people is just unhealthy for your life. Each one of them for different reasons. Some of them are even dangerous for you. They can badly affect your life even if you don't realize that. There is something wrong with these types of people and I shall introduce to you those types of them I think you should (definitely) avoid. In this episode I will focus on a manipulator.


(also known as a puppet master)

Image of puppet master

These are truly some tricky bastards. They was born with an innate knowledge of how to inconspicuously make other people do what manipulators want them to do. And they do it so skillfully and dexterously that it is very hard for you to see through them. They literally live by manipulation. It is their deviant pleasure and also an unflagging need. They can't live without it. And they can use it very effectively. Manipulators are often mentally ill persons. Many of them are even some sort of psychopaths.

They are masters of using the right words in the right time. They can sow a seed of any kind of emotion they choose to. Their ideas will become your ideas before you'll notice it. They apply their perverse plans into yout mind with persistent patience. And you will act as they wish. They can target your emotions, your desire and your fear with devilish precision. They can emotionally blackmail you, constantly harm you and create an emotional addiction. Theay are truly very insidious people.

Image of Devilish pleasure

How to get rid of them? First, don't let them talk. Don't talk to them at all. If you identify a manipulator, you should run as fast as you can. Or if you can't avoid a contact with them, at least answer them with question like „why are you telling me this?“ or „why do you even want to know that?“ Or you just can ignore thw whole topic or say something like: "this is nor for me, let's talk about something else." Maybe they will realize that they can't manipulate you and they will leave you alone and go find another victim. You need to be free of manipulators to have a happy and contented life without emotional blackmailing, drama and pressure. So definitely avoid these types of people as much as you can. I hope you will.

This is the first episode of a little series a want to write. I will continue with other types of people you should (definitely) avoid in next episodes. So, if you have some ideas for what type I should write about, just leave a comment. I shall definitely consider it and if it is good, I will write about it.

Puppet master
Devilish pleasure

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