Back from the fair - A quick first impression

I'm tired, burned to a crisp (slight exaggeration) and have a headache, but it was a fun day!

Today was a good day at Zomerfolk. We heard good music, saw nice clothes and costumes, had tasty food and mead, and it wasn't as hot as it was last time. We had some rain, but also a bit of sun at times. Not enough to get burned though... or so I thought.

Now that we're back home, my face, shoulders and arms are getting more red by the second. Bah! It was so grey and rainy this morning that I completely forgot to take sunblock with me. Stupid me.

Anyway, my mum just send me this picture of my boyfriend and me:


I took quite a few pictures aswell, but I haven't send them to the pc yet, so this one will have to do for now. It's a good first impression of the amount of people walking around there and it shows my outfit! I normally try to wear a shorter dress, but it wasn't that warm today, so I pulled out this skirt that I hardly ever wear. I'm not sure why I hardly ever wear it though, because today I found I actually quite like it.

As a nice bonus, it's even whiter than my legs are!

Anyway, more pictures and stories to come! For now though, I'm too tired and itchy to put much effort into sorting through pictures, so I think I'll go play a game for a while and then... sleep! Can't wait.

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