My Blog about Steemit Received a Positive Review

My blog about Steemit on bitLanders was rated 5/5 star even though my grammar is NOT perfect. Our blogs are rated based on SEO value.

One thing I really like about bitLanders is - we CAN write about ANY subject (not less than 250 words) with related videos, images, tags and LINKS to any secure sites. My blog is full of Steemit links.

bitLanders is not affected whatsoever by any of its competitors. LOL!

I remember Bubblews time, my first account was deleted due to my profile and post links to other paid-to-write site. The rules said "referral/affiliate links not allowed". I created another account but they deleted it again.

Perhaps they were overly JEALOUS or maybe INSECURE of the possibility members might "jump ship" to their competitors.

Hmmm where is Bubblews now?

Autocratic style of online business would never bring good fortune.

***Images are my mobile screenshots***

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