
That is the time I am starting to type this. I think I will follow @juliamulcahy and attempt a flow of consciousness post, #morningpages as those who speak proper English call it. Ha Ha not haha.

This is neither morning nor will it be pages but at least I am trying said the man to the toilet paper. He has had a bit of an issue getting things out it seems. Share they say it will make you feel better, not sure who says that but I don't see a leather couch nearby so you can fuck right off. I shall share once I have 3 beers then you will beg me to stop drinking because it shall flow like a river and your best part now as the red sea so I can get to the bar.


that seems quite slow considering the few words I typed, but I did spend 2min thinking is it follow Julia or lead then remembered just now it follows @juliamulcahy's lead. Which I find odd since you have no choice when dragged on the ground, fuck carpet burn try your face in tar.

That reminds me I raced a Jetta car with my mountain bike once came around a pretty gravelly corner and got a pretty nasty skin graph I guess it is called. I hit the ground like a redneck hits their wife.

Lately, I was wondering if I should take writing seriously at least serious enough to at least write something which is not as serious as serious writing nor is it writing seriously just giving it a priority as in "Hey, seriously write something."

My spelling is atrocious just look at all the red lines.

I was also wondering what I should then write about once I take it serious enough, and came to the conclusion that I don't care how my day went although that is what I tend to post about on my @smokingfit account because it makes sense. Steps = Hey where the fuck are you going.


Slow again. This freeflow blows, like a manic doe. That rhymes I guess but can a doe blow, when manic or is it a hoe? Why do I also go there I would like to know, is it because I am a chauvinist and do not like hoes? I just realised that a hoe can plough so I again hit the ground, this time not with a frown but instead to plant what I can eat so long as it is not meat since that means killing. I have no issues with killing, in the end, someone pays the bill or is that a bit shrill?

Ah but oh so nonsensical.

This freeflow thing needs structure, a single thought even unformed that then can lead down a connection of thought. A single word lacks the roots to support ideas that get formed. Maybe a phrase? That might cause a daze. Like the "Blue Tree" I recommended to someone a few days back.

Could I do that? Write about my own nonsensical Blue Tree topic?

The Blue Tree


At 3 minutes past twelve Timmy looked up, he always looked up at this time but was never sure why. He was a blue tree and being hopeful was not in him, the others they looked up also they were green trees, normal. They looked up at the sky, each one wondering just how high. ah but Timmy, only wished he could die. He looked up because they did he did not care about how high though. Timmy looked up and saw the sky. He still never wondered how high. The other trees knew he was different, Timmy looked up maybe to show indifference. They looked up and shared their dreams, one day they would reach higher than the sky, between their branches the stars would be fireflies. Timmy knew this would never be because Timmy looked down mostly. He saw the world and the things happening. He watched the grass turn to dust, the roots exposed and knew it was all going bust. Timmy was a blue tree, but he did at times smile. See Timmy knew that at the very least he would outlive most of the humans who committed these crimes.


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