Why I'm Moving On From Coffee With Jane


Okay, Here's Whats Gunna Happen Peeps

I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean to make your heart drop if you actually enjoy me talking about cryptocurrencies. Just to let you know, I am NOT not talking about crypto news anymore, but I am also not going to continue my short lived segment “Coffee With Jane.” I started it because I find talking about cryptos fun, and I do watch a lot of crypto videos. Two of my favorites are @dougpolkcrypto and @louisthomas. I feel that their videos are so informative and are of great quality, I wanted to create something similar of my own but with my own unique twist. Also, I'm a female talking about cryptos...whats not to love here?! #Facts

The Amount Of Work I Put Into One Episode Was Roughly 5-7 Hours

My main idea with this segment was to provide my followers with some hot crypto news in the morning three times a week. So, obviously I had to stay on top of the news every day. That’s not the problem but lets allocate approximately 1 hour of research the night before a Coffee With Jane. In the morning I would take up, do my hair and make up because lets face the facts, no one wants to watch my segment when I looked like I just rolled out of bed. Lets allocate another hour for that, making it 2 hours that I have already spent on one single episode. Now I have to make coffee (still, not complaining), set up the studio and make sure my facts are checked, lets allocate half hour for that. Then, I have to record the segment itself, which takes me another 30 minutes even though its chopped down to no more than a 10 minute episode. Now I have spent 3 hours on this segment, cool. After all of this, I have to sit down, edit and export my video. Editing this episode takes me around 1 hour on a good day, exporting takes me approximately 45 minutes (my puter is kinda old, don’t judge). Now I have spent 5 hours on a single episode.

And that’s on a good day, sometimes I take more time doing research and sometimes I mess up on a specific part of the video and have to re export my video making me want to actually tear my body in two. Despite all of these hard work and frustrations, I loved doing them. However, there are things that I love doing MORE. I love vlogging MORE, I love photography MORE, I love making sit down videos MORE, I love fitness MORE. So I decided to take that time, energy, and creativity and put it towards the things that I love doing MORE. Life is about giving things a shot, and I was very lucky to receive the support that I did for my segment. This isn’t about money, but more about time. There were days where my post did horrible and I would just feel like shit because I just spent 5-7 hours of my life on this episode. And I know some of you who are reading this can understand the feeling.

I'm Just Gunna Keep Keepin' It Real

I won’t stop talking about cryptocurrencies, news and what my interests are in that factor. I will make videos that don’t take so much energy away from me and incorporate some creativity into, but I refuse to spend that long on something that I don’t love love, you feel me? It wasn’t until I got this comment from my fellow dTuber @Kevinli that I even actually considered not doing Coffee With Jane anymore. I felt that if my followers like the stuff I’m passionate about more than what I am not 100% passionate about, then I’m one lucky motherfucker and I should just go with the flow. Keep expecting me to do some cryptocurrency videos, because they are coming. In the meantime, please check out @theaudgirl for some female crypto lovin!

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Thank you all as always,
Jane ❤️

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