Jussie Smollett’s Career is Over

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So the cops believe Jussie Smollett paid those 2 Nigerian dudes to assault him, and I for one believe the cops. The day this story broke, while every celebrity and random knee grow was on social media flapping their capes for Jussie, I was all over Twitter and Facebook calling this story pure b.s. The alleged crime was just too damn perfect. TOO PERFECT. Think about it, Jussie claims to have gotten beat up, had bleach poured on him, a noose put around his neck at 2 in the morning in Chicago during the time where it was record breaking freezing temperatures in the city that time of day AND all of this just happened to take place in a part of the downtown area where it’s like a gazillion cameras everywhere but somehow no video footage emerged of the assault. Really. 😕 In case you all don’t know, but it’s 30K cameras in Chicago. This crime was just too perfect to be true. Two random black dudes (whom we were all initially lead to believe were white) ran up on Jussie and did all of that stuff and then topped off the assault by yelling THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY. MAGA COUNTRY? IN CHICAGO? I could have sworn that Chicago was one of the most liberal cities in the country. As a matter of fact, when Trump was running for office, he was supposed to go to Chicago to hold a rally but instead he cancelled because it was literally hundreds if not thousands of protesters outside of the convention area he was to hold his rally. So how in the hell is Chicago of all places considered MAGA COUNTRY? It just never made any sense from the get go. A gay black man being attacked at 2 in the morning in the freezing cold being called the N word, the F word, having bleach poured on him and a noose tied around his neck. 🤔 Let’s not forget that he walked home with the so-called noose around his neck and supposedly didn’t take it off until like 40 minutes later. Here’s another thing, remember that photo of him in the hospital bed with that minor cut under his eye? Well think about this, if somebody put a damn rope around your neck in an effort to assault or possibly kill you, wouldn’t there be some signs of rope burn on the person’s neck in addition to some form of scratches on the person’s next as a result of the victim trying to free himself from the noose? Now, I’ve never had a rope put around my neck, but I imagine a person’s natural instinct would be to immediately start clawing away to get his neck out of that noose. It just seems like the natural thing to do which would more than likely leave scratches on his neck.

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