I Only Give Money to Black Panhandlers

black panhandlers, onyx truth.jpg

I put aside $30 in one dollar bills each month specifically for the purpose of handing out money to panhandlers who ask me for money. I don’t care what they do with the money, it’s none of my business. Every time a panhandler asks me for a dollar, I give them a dollar out of that $30 stash until I’m out. Say 30 people asked me for money that month and I gave out $30 by the 20th of that particular month well, for the remainder of that month I’m tapped out on giving money. I used to give indiscriminately but now I find myself purposely giving only to black people because sometimes I look at these white people and I’m thinking to myself, “How in the hell did you fuck this up? You live in the richest country in the world and you are white. How did you mess that advantage up to where you are out here asking random strangers for money, especially strangers that are black?” I don’t get it, I do get it, but then I don’t get it. Regardless, when I see black people panhandling, I feel like it’s somewhat my civic duty to hand them a dollar if I have one just off the strength of them being black in America and the unfortunate stigma that comes along with that. Maybe I’m wrong maybe I’m not. I don’t know. All I know is, I just find it extremely hard to at times to empathize with a white person who is panhandling because once again, this is America where being white is the golden ticket to paradise. Why are you out here begging for money? Granted, I know that there are poor white people going through their issues just like poor black people and we all know that way too many rich people (especially rich white people) don’t give a damn about anybody that is poor regardless of their skin color, but still, these white panhandlers still possess that one attribute that will give them some type of benefit or favoritism over everybody else who doesn’t possess it; and that is their skin color.

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