Today i did something nasty! | I do not feel shame but i do still laugh about that

Sorry from now on being bitch against you guys :(

I had free time today to chill out on discord for 30 40 minutes. One after another i was checking everychannel if someone already made a mistake on user role permissions. Heh, i found one fish to catch.

I will tell you the which one, later.

  • Do you know what ? I'd like to help someone when they needed my guidance OR help... BUT, when i see such automatic message do not care about that, i can be an evil at the end. Since several organisations choosing the communicate with people by the bots, that makes me irritated. HELLO ? i am spending my time to report something important for you, but you are giving me a burocratic steps to reach you out while someone from you can easily answer me. Whatever... just for to help you out, i will not spend my time as exactly you guys did not.

Lets turn back to the story

First step of mine was the testing it. I see that i found a bug/mistake exist in that server. After a while, arrived into #help channel of that specific discord server. The bug was about "delete, pin" authority given to "everyone" permission in some "organsational channel". I had not write permission but i had to delete even everyone's texts or pin them.

So i just said this;

Then i got my answer;

I was like "ok". You wanted not me;

Simply, deleted all of those messages and i spent my 5 minutes for it. I do believe still nobody figure it out those channels are empty. But when they need, they will see this.

Cya in the hell

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