10 Interesting facts about everything #6

10 Interesting facts about everything #6

1 - Mice don’t like cheese. Given the choice, they prefer sweets and carbs. Sure, they’ll eat cheese if it’s the only thing around, as most animals would, but they don’t particularly love it.

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2 - All tea is made from the leaf of the plant Camellia sinensis. The specific types of tea are made by processing the tea leaves differently.

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3 - In 2015, Coca Cola was the world’s third most valuable brand, after Apple and Google.

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4 - Fanta was invented in Nazi Germany because of the difficulty faced by the company in importing Coca Cola syrup during war.

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5 - The Mona Lisa has her own mailbox in the Louvre because of all the love letters she receives.

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6 - Vegemite (Australian food spread) was created by left over Yeast used to create Beer - so that's why it tastes so good!

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7 - The largest monkey in the world is the male mandrill. It is almost 1 meter (3.3 feet) long and weighs about 35 kilograms (77 pounds).

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8 - The Sun travels at 220 kilometres per second.

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9 - The World Record For The Largest Pizza Is 122 Feet, 8 Inches In Diameter.

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10 - Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa's lips.

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