A young African boy joins hive! Introductory post

Hello everyone! I’m Nana Agyemang, I’m soo excited to be path of this great community, I got to know about hive during the KNUST hive conference,I was soo excited to be part of this conference. I really learned alot, being a lover of.
technology, I decided to take a dive into the hive blockchain to see what’s going on and where the Journey will lead me.

I was born in Sunyani, Ghana. Unlike most Ghanaian children, I found it difficult to learn how to speak Twi (local language) as a child so I primarily spoke English with my family. As a son of a lawyer, life wasn’t so difficult for me growing up.

Some will say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I attended a good private school where I had both my Junior High School and primary school education where I was the senior prefect.

I then continued my education as a secondary school student in one of the best schools in Ghana, ST. James Seminary and Senior High School.
Growing up, everyone told me how I resembled my father in terms of appearance, behavior, and even intelligence.

They always told me how I would make a great lawyer in the future and take over my father’s law firm one day, and my grades in school also proved that I would indeed become a very good lawyer. As one of the top students in my class, I consistently received As and Bs in all of my subjects.


I was the house prefect of one of the prestigious houses in my high school. Under my direction, our house was named the best house because we were the best at everything. We won multiple competitions in different subjects, and our outstanding results demonstrated the excellence and unity of our house.


. Even Though people kept telling me to follow in my father’s footsteps, I have an interest in science and technology, so becoming a lawyer isn’t one of my plans. This even encouraged me to join my Secondary School’s science club.

The majority of Ghanaians have little interest in technology, thus there aren’t many great engineering schools in Ghana. In contrast to me, the majority of my peers aspire to work as doctors or lawyers because these professions are highly esteemed in the nation and holding one of these positions carries respect.

At the age of 15, I started learning how to code. I first learned how to code in Python, and I then learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I created a bunch of projects that were never published, some of these were an Uber clone, a Facebook clone, a news site, a contacts app, and a shopping app.

My dream is to become a technologist in the future and my father’s support for my dream has been surprising. Unlike other people who want me to follow in my father’s footsteps, my father always tells me how he looks forward to seeing me making breakthroughs in the world of technology and making the African and more importantly the Ghanaian community proud.

Back in Junior High, I created a news app that received its feed from a news API and I remember showing it to my father. He was incredibly happy about my project and I could see “proud father” all over his face.

For as long as I can. remember, Technology has always fascinated me. Watching documentaries, TED talks from CEOs of top tech companies, and even movies has given me a broad knowledge of technology. These inspired me to make a difference in the world as well, and I think being a technologist is a great way for me to do that.


I want to be recognised as the African making the world a better place through his inventions and mind-blowing ideas. That is why I have decided to study in the USA; a place with opportunities and resources to achieve my dream career, tread my own path, build my own legacy, put Africa on the map and become as great a man as my father is.

I am happy to be here and I look forward to connect with like minded people who are into programming and tech lovers.

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