My (soon to come) PC Build

So I'm pretty excited about my new computer case as much as i'm excited to share this with you guys...

So just recently, I just picked up myself a Corsair 460x case which I have to say is one of the most beautiful cases out there.
Photo Nov 15, 7 01 16 PM.jpg
The whole side is made of tempered glass and is completely transparent...

As for the front.. (you may have to tilt your head sideways to see this, lol)
Photo Nov 15, 7 00 59 PM.jpg
It has built in RGB fans which illuminates the whole inside of the case, and you can actually change color and intensity via remote control (how cool!?!)

My current computer is basically a piece of crap, and i'm adding a lot of new parts to my new build. Honestly, the one thing i'm most excited about is my new graphics card (Nvidia GTX 970).. not the best, but a huge upgrade from what I have!

I will keep you guys updated on my build and eventually the finished product of course!

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