My Rig is Finally Completed!

So, many of you may have seen my previous post where I first introduced that idea of this build.... I have finally put all the parts in and peeled the plastic off.... now it is finally completed! Here are some pics:).:
Photo Nov 28, 9 04 02 PM.jpg
It's equipped with 3 interchangeable RGB LED fans, thinking of putting in more just for extra cooling.
Photo Nov 28, 9 04 26 PM.jpg
This is the inside of the computer, viewable through the transparent glass panel on the side. I have a Corsair RM750 for my power supply, an intel core i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and a 500gb hard drive. (going to upgrade soon)
I've been thinking about getting an SSD as well, just for extra speed.
Photo Nov 28, 9 05 01 PM.jpg
In this picture I just changed the color of the fans and turned flash off. :P
Let me know what you guys think! I'm open to any suggestions and new ideas :)

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