
The harder I searched, the more elusive it became. The longer I worked, the further it appeared. I gave up. What’s the use of trying to get something that didn’t want to be found, I asked.

I looked around. I was lost. And alone. In my quest I had entered streets and alleys I didn’t know. A dim figure in a dark shop window gazed back at me. I hurried forward eagerly. A long period of solitude had created a craving for company. The presence of a stranger beckoned like an oasis.

I waved, and the stranger waved back. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, I realized the stranger was me, but a ‘me’ I did not know. A straight back and a direct gaze belied the way I felt – tired, hungry, frustrated.

I was mesmerized. Instinctively, my head and shoulders drew back. My lungs drew in several deep breaths. With each intake of air I felt stronger and revitalized. An unwillingness to let go of the hunt I’d pursued for so long swept over me.

Looking for affirmation, I stared at the figure in the mirror. It nodded at me and faded, its work done.

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