Visit to a computer fair.



Computer fair is essential to display the modern civilisation of a society or a nation. Bangladesh holds computer fair in BCS Bhaban, Dhaka. Still this fair is not in much circuit in our country. But every year the BCS fair is increasing its periphery. Innumerable software businessmen of the world take part in this fair.



All sorts of computer accessories are available in this fair. Various types of computers of multifarious brands are displayed here for sale and introduction. Computer literacy in Bangladesh is going forward day by day.So, the learners in computer science go to the fair at large scale. Our local computer businessmen also go to the fair to have some information about information technology. Many students studying computer science are introduced with some programmers and receive much instruction from them.They also purchase computer according to their choice from the fair.Computer games are very favourite with our young generation now.They also like audio and video programmes downloaded in computer. That is why they are very amused during computer fair.They along with some of their friends or companions go to the fair with much inspiration and enjoyment.Besides, many children with their parents go to the fair.The number of people visiting the fair is notable now.




To make the general people realise that the computer has increased the speed of the world by leaps and bounds, computer has cut short our way of knowing anything, we should launch propagation about arranging computer fair in many places of the country.



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