Population-power or problems.


The concern for over population in Bangladesh and action planning guideline for turning them into power or resources stems from the recognition of Malthus Optimum Theory. The concept of population as power has got a wide acceptance with the economic progress of the past several decades.In Bangladesh only a limited attention has been paid to human resources as a crucial means as well as the ultimate end of development.

The concept of making population as power emphasizes the integration of human capital and human needs aspects of human power in development. The various components of development _ heath, education, environment, employment, science and technology are not new. What is new is their unified approach that focuses on the role of human beings not as problems but as power.


Priority should also be given to the disadvantaged including the rural and urban poor women youth and ethnic minorities, who may generate the highest social rate in return.

However, public awareness concerning the people's participation in workforce as an aspect of human not new in Bangladesh owe government and non government agencies operating or in the social development sector are currently organising people at the grass roots and even competing in their effort to enhance their delivery of service. This competition is not necessarily promoting the people's welfare or self-reliance An important consideration in this respect is that community organisation requires specialised skills both through internal (local) and external (foreign) assistance. It is a mater of hope that internal attempt has already made an important contribution to national capacity in building the population a potential human resource.


Obviously Bangladesh is burdened with huge population creating various problems. To address these problems effectively a central goal of making them power should be taken to effect an equitable distribution of human resources development opportunities and benefits. At the same time, priority should be given to those population groups which can be benefitted most from such opportunities by virtue of either the emergency of their needs or their ability to put them into their best use, not only for themselves but also for the development of the country as a whole.


Significant opportunities exist for further expansion of this contribution. However, the implications of the role of international support for integrated, participatory and multifaceted nature making need to be carefully considered and incorporated into future programmes to turn the huge population of Bangladesh into power.

I want to say thanks to you my dear reader, that knows what I want to explain.

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