Ex problems

Anyone here ever had an ex that just won't leave you alone? You guys break up, they block you and all is well. At least until a few months later when they message you out of the blue. And of course they find a way to wangle back into your life. Then when you stand up for yourself and ask them to leave they get upset as if you're the problem and they block you again until another few months have passed... just long enough for you to be in a really good place but not long enough for you to forget them and then it starts all over again. They mess with your head and your feelings even though you know they don't give a shit about you, you can't let go of the hope that you actually mean something to them. It's as if every time they say those sweet little nothings, because that's all they are, nothings; you put your rose coloured glasses on with the mended cracks from all the previous times they smashed it in your face. Then it shatters again and you're the one left feeling like an idiot so you put walls up. Then someone comes along and they're great and they start climbing those walls and then they're crashing down lost in the fray because your ex came back just in time to ruin it for you. And you're left with that question: Why can't you just let me be happy?

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