within my susu box

One time I was walking in Town and the sentimental value of a susu box got me to buy one at GHC 3.00. It was early this year. I did a simple experiment with a susu box; the Ghana equivalent of a piggy bank. It is often made of a square wooden box. I got a susu box on January 8, 2018 and kept it at my desk. Anytime I would transit to work I would drop all my coins into it. Also whenever I bought something during work hours and there was change as coins I would drop the coins into the box.I wasn't very consistent by that wasn't much of a problem.

A week ago, on April 13, 2018 I decided to crack it open and see how many coins I had put in it. I got GHC 74.28 (about $16.29) from the box that day! Coins of every type, 10 pesewas, 20 pesewas, 50 pesewas and 1 cedi coins. Not a fortune but still some good change.IMG_20180411_145314.jpg

I walked to a trotro station and gave the coins to a trotro mate as change. He gave me paper notes which I then dropped off in a dormant bank account I have. I definitely spent some of it on snacks; hey don't blame me.

Over time I will continue this coin collection in my susu box. Always having some change could come in handy.

If you would like to get a susu box, you can easily get some in town.
Try this and comment on how this goes.
Let me know if you have a personal experience with susu boxes.

PS: Do well to practice little savings and large long term savings plans. You will always be glad you saved.

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